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The Cоuncil of Europe and the against terrorism Works of Council of Europe's bodies and adopted texts


i. Final Declaration (Strasbourg Summit 1997)

ii. Action Plan (Strasbourg Summit 1997) HI. Security of Citizens

1. Combating terrorism: the Heads of State and Government call for the adoption of further measures to prevent terrorism and to strengthen international co-operation in combating terrorism, in accordance with the relevant provisions of international law, including international standards on human rights, and in the light of the recommendations adopted at the ministerial conference on terrorism held in Paris on 30 July 1996; they note with interest the forthcoming holding of a parliamentary conference to study the phenomenon of terrorism in democratic society.


i. European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism. Strasbourg, 27 January 1977 Chart of signatures and ratifications

Total number of signatures not followed by ratifications:




Total number of ratifications/accessions:




ii. Other related conventions in the criminal field

European Convention on Extradition (ETS no. 24) and its two Additional Protocols (ETS no. 86 and 98)

European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (ETS no. 30) and its Additional Protocol (ETS no. 99) y

European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters (ETS no. 73)

European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes (ETS no. 116)

Convention on Laundering. Search. Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime (ETS no. 141)

The following conventions will soon be open for signature:

Convention on Cyber-crime (to be adopted at the 109th Session of the Committee of Ministers on 8 November 2001 and opened for signature in Budapest on 23 November 2001)

2nd Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (opens for signature on 8 November 2001, 109th Ministerial Session)


i. Declarations

Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the fight against international terrorism. 12 September 2001

Tripartite Declaration on Terrorist acts, 8 September 1986

Declaration on terrorism, 23 November 1978

ii. Replies

Reply from the Committee of Ministers to Recommendation 1426 (1999) on European Democracies facing up to terrorism. Doc. 9180, 27 July 2001

iii. Plan of Action

Notes on the agenda of the 768th meeting (10 October 2001)1.6 Committee of Ministers -Preparation of the 109th Session

Decisions of the 765bis meeting of the Ministers' Deputies - 21 September 2001

iv. Recommendations

Rec (2001)11 concerning guiding principles on the fight against organised crime, 19 September 2001

Recommendation R(82)l International co-operation in the prosecution and punishment of acts of terrorism


Resolution 1 on combating international terrorism of the 24th Conference of European Ministers of Justice, Moscow, 5 October 2001


i. Reports

Democracies facing terrorism. Report by the Political Affairs Committee, Doc. 9228 revised, 24 September 2001

Opinion by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights. Doc. 9232. 25 September 2001

European democracies facing up to terrorism. Report by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Doc. 8507, 8 September 1999

Opinion by the Political Affairs Committee. Doc. 8513.10 September 1999

ii. Recommendations

Recommendation 1534 (2001) Democracies facing terrorism

Recommendation 1426 (1999)1 European democracies facing up to terrorism

Recommendation 1199 (1992) on the fight against international terrorism in Europe

Recommendation 1170 (1991) on strengthening the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism

Recommendation 1024 (1986) on the European response to international terrorism

Recommendation 982 (1984) on the defence of democracy against terrorism in Europe

Recommendation 941 (1982) on the defence of democracy against terrorism in Europe

Recommendation 916 (1981) on the Conference on "Defence of Democracy against Terrorism in Europe - Tasks and Problems"

iii. Resolutions

Resolution 1259 (2001) OOECDand the world economy

Resolution 1258 (2001) Democracies facing terrorism

Resolution 1132 (1997) on the organisation of a parliamentary conference to reinforce democratic systems in Europe and co-operation in the fight against terrorism

Resolution 863 (1986) on the European response to international terrorism

iv. Orders

Order No. 555 (1999)1 European democracies facing up to terrorism


i. Declarations

Final Declaration of the Conference on Local Authorities and Transfrontier Crime, Enschede, 22 September 2001

ii. Statements

Statement of Mr Libert Cuatrecasas,, President of the CLRAE, at the Conference on Local Authorities and Public Utilities in Europe, Innsbruck, 10 October 2001

Statement of Mr Jan Mans, member of the CLRAE, at the Conference on Local Authorities and Transfrontier Crime, Enschede, 22 September 2001


General Policy Recommendation n°6: Combating the dissemination of racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic material via the internet, adopted by ESRI on 15 December 2000


i. Secretary General

Statement by the Secretary General at the Conference on Local Authorities and Public Utilities in Europe, Innsbruck, 10 October 2001

Statement by the Secretary General to the Parliamentary Assembly debate "Democracies facing Terrorism" - 25 September 2001

Initiative and Statement by the Secretary General to the Committee of Ministers' Deputies (765bis meeting) - 21 September 2001

Speech by the Secretary General to the Ecumenical service for victims of USA tragedy -Strasbourg Cathedral, 19 September 2001

ii. President of the Parliamentary Assembly

Statement by Lord Russell-Johnston at the opening of the 4th part session of the Parliamentary Assembly - 24 September 2001


Lord Russell-Johnston statement on the intervention in Afghanistan - 8 October 2001

Secretary General Walter Schwimmer expresses solidarity with the American response -8 October 2001

European Justice Ministers propose action plan to fight terrorism through legal means -5 October 2001

Fight against international terrorism and enforcement of judicial decisions on the agenda of the European Justice Ministers Conference in Moscow - 27 September 2001

Assembly calls for concerted action to overcome consequences of terrorist attacks for world economy - 26 September 2001

Assembly approves international anti-terrorist action, but calls for UN backing - 26 September 2001

Council of Europe acts to strengthen its fight against terrorism - 21 September 2001

Parliamentary Assembly : Democracies facing terrorism on the agenda for the Autumn session - 18 September 2001

14 September 2001: 800 million Europeans to mourn victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA - 13 September 2001

The Council of Europe decides to strengthen its fight against terrorism - 12 September 2001

Council of Europe appalled at the wave of terrorism in the United States - 11 September 2001

Terrorist attacks in Spain : Statement of the 43-nation Organisation - 19 March 2001

Council of Europe Leaders Condemn Renewed Spanish Terrorist Attack - 22 February 2001

Parliamentary Conference to re-launch international co-operation to combat terrorism - 2 October 1998


DG4085 Council of Europe activities against terrorism - DG IV activities. Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport, 21 September 2001

DSP( 2001)20 The fight against international terrorism: implications for the Council's integrated projects. Directorate of Strategic Planning, 18 September 2001


Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe: Combating economic and organised crime

Fight against corruption and organised crime

Anti-money laundering measures

Programme against corruption and organised crime in South-Eastern Europe (PACO/SPAI/SPOC)

Other organisations and the fight against terrorism

European Union See also European Commission - External Relations

NATO and the scourge of terrorism

OSCE - Fighting terrorism and organised crime See also: OSCE inventory of resources on terrorism

UN action against terrorism See also: UN conventions on terrorism

Report of the Secretary General on Terrorism

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