Internatinal conference
Future of Eurasiandom:
the Cultures fnd Civilisanions Dialogue
- 01.11.2001. Moscow. Noviy Arbat, 36
Communication and culture
information technologies - technologies of information and communication
creation - are a starting point of modern information society development.
Peter Drucker, a well-known American
economist, believes that the developed society changed from a capitalist
society into a knowledge society. The knowledge society is a society
where the knowledge is the principal economic resource and the other
resources (minerals, capital, work) are found by the knowledge. Drucker
notes that the events of 1980-1990 opened a new era. At first, there
appeared new technologies development and market globalization.
The irregularity of distribution of
resources (natural, information resources, intellectual, capital and
labour resources) in the world makes the exchange processes of these
resources and communication between different world regions more active.
The communications, that is to say an information exchange, is necessary
to reduce a conflict interaction, that is conditioned by world resources
distribution irregularity.
The international communications present
an information exchange between two or more persons to go over national
and cultural boundaries.
The information era brings a new life
style, new culture; it disseminates them in all remote parts of the
Earth globe. The international communications became a daily reality
in developed countries where the computer literacy has an elementary
literacy status. The electronic communications level time and expanse,
the world shrinks. The avalable facilities to transmit the information
in no-time over ten thousands kilometres, fade geographical boundaries
in cyberspace, extend a social integration of specialists, scientists,
students, public to global scale.
Obviously, there is a technological,
cultural component for every society development stage. The nomadic
tribes canes and lances corresponded to norms and customs of that
civilization phase. The dwellers of modern third world, being at first
stages of civilization, remain cultural and social originality, old
traditions of millennial antiquity. The international communications,
especially mass electronic communications, make for cultural rapprochement,
common cultural zones formation with different norms, with relations
and valuable orientation.
As is well known that there are unwritten
life regulators along with the formal institutes and mechanisms of
management in the society. There are cultural values, behaviour norms,
beliefs. This is the mentality. The cultural society component is
more conservative than the technological component because it was
formed during a lot of centuries and has a less obvious character.
The cultural barriers are inertia-bound, but may be a more serious
obstacle in communications than technological ones.
The high level of technological and
information development of leading West countries is closely connected
with cultural values that are less obvious. If the material components
of culture ( high life level, high quality goods and services) are
quite known, the cultural components (post-industrial cultural orientation,
conduct norms) are less known.
The value orientations of culture, opened
for progress, is the most important factor of high technological development
and well-being.
The nation mentality could be treated
as a world-outlook of the inhabitants of the country and as a system
of behaviour norms. It is said that there are Russian mentality, American
mentality, western mentality, eastern mentality.
The mentality is usually associated
with the spiritual component of civilization. But the civilization
has two components: spiritual and material. The material component
consists of instruments, technologies. Their utilization has an influence
on a way of life and on a spiritual component of cultural mentality.
On the strength of material culture
component the society mentality in civilization industrialization
stage differs from that of the highly developed countries, now at
the informatization stage.
In the era of economic globalization,
information and culture no country can consider itself as absoluntly
In the highly developed information
and technological society the qualification level is a component of
social distinction, a source of social intensity. Racial, material,
sexual distinctions become less obvious. The high qualification provides
an access to a well paid job and determines the social and material
status of man.
Peter Drucker thinks that the modern
Western society has passed the capitalism stage and after the Second
World War entered the knowledge stage development. It is not the capital
but knowledge that becomes the principal resource of society. As it
was marked, the traditional production factors (earth, work, capital)
become second factors. They can be found by the knowledge. This transition
changes the social structure. The power and the control in the society
pass from capital possessors to persons who have the knowledge and
the ability to use it. That's why today all the jobs in the highly
developed countries can be divided into professional well paid jobs
and a poorly paid service job. The professionals have knowledge and
know how use it for getting money. The service personnel does subsidiary,
simple, routine operations, getting for their work a minor compensation
and feeling a dissatisfaction of low life level.
The USA political and academic circles
could foresee an appearance of a major contradictory development in
the American society and over the world. It will not be a racial conflict,
conflict between work and capital, but it will be a conflict between
the two social sections of population. The first one of them has the
knowledge and the second one has not it. Therefore in the West they
will provide the society with technological and information programs
realization, to create a national information infrastructure.
Why can the business communications
alone influence the progress? Undoubtedly, the cultural and scientific
communications play a very important role. But only the business interest
is today a motive force of events.
The international business communications
will be used for the purpose of individual and institutional business
interests integration, to facilitate the further progress of business,
education, science, policy, democracy civilized institutions.
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Human Rights Institute